Make It Stop!

Issue #5

(Have you been forwarded this email?)

Hi everyone! If you hadn't noticed yet, every issue's title has been a song lyric of a song that I happen to be obsessed with that week. It could be fun if you email me what you think the song is, and I will add you to the newsletter with your social media (if you choose to share that with me) so everyone knows what type of winner you are.

Let's quickly dive into the newsletter because too much has happened this week, and we need to process it. I'm also feeling under the weather because of my allergies, so there won't be any article in this week's newsletter. Take it as a nice short, holiday send off!


  • I have decided to release the episodes that I am recording on the main Git Cute Podcast feed and to leave the video episodes (and outtakes) on Patreon. I had people tell me that now would be a great time to bring back something that they've missed, and I don't disagree. It will more than likely start back up on the Monday after Thanksgiving so I can give myself a nice break in editing.

  • The Conquer System Design website is currently under a huge revamp. I decided to stop fighting with trying to customize Teachable (which, is uncustomizable to a modern, reactive site) and move the main site to Webflow! I have been working on that in tandem with the newsletter this weekend, and I plan on having that launched on Tuesday or Wednesday of this week with the Database module up for the current 30 people that have preordered!

  • I have a *great* prospect for a job, that I am really, really excited about. I wanted to take some time to deep dive specialize on the next job, but this job is perfect in every single way, that I have come to learn that I just need to do the mastery on my own time and master a whole new set of skills. Stay tuned that this will work out! And cross your fingers for me.


This week's email is sponsored by Audible Plus!

Audible offers customers more selection with access to a robust catalog of fresh and original audio entertainment and superior programming. The unbeatable selection and Audible’s award-winning app offer your readers the ability to listen to their favorite content anytime, anywhere.

Links That Made Me Happy

Some of these link may be affiliate links for me, but no one mentioned has told or paid me to mention their products. If you do not wish to use them, you don't have to!

  • Cassidy has officially launched her licensed Scrabble keycaps and accessories with Clackeys! Go pre-order because the set goes off.

  • I'm Glad My Mom Died will make you laugh, cry, and cry while laughing. If you haven't read it, do so. It's a well-written delight.

  • This isn't a link so much as general advice for you all; Black Friday deals have already started! If you want to avoid the waiting, go find your favorite deals now. The amount of skincare that I have purchased is ridiculous.

Java Facts

Did you know that Java runs on over a billion smartphones since Google won the lawsuit that Oracle launched against Google for using Java in the Android operating system? Pretty cool to me at least!

Thank you Katy for joining us on Patreon! We are up to 7 people now, which is wild because I didn't think anyone would actually sign up. If you want a shoutout in the newsletter, you can sign up here.

Happy (American) Thanksgiving and make sure you take a long walk after that turkey hits.

xx Josie